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    The Oetiker crimps. The Post Mix mans primary weapon of choice. This tool crimped Oetiker clamps, stripped and cut wire, cut beverage tubing, removed old clamps and
ferrules, and doubled as a makeshift hammer.
Oetiker clamps. These are the clamps that hold together the fabric of society.  Without these German wonders, the beverage industry would grind to a halt.  Properly placed over a 1/4” barb stem and beverage tubing, the Coke syrup flows forth without a trace of leaking.
                1/4” Barb Splicer. This little baby is the answer to all of Post Mix’s little problems.  Sprung a leak? cracked line? rat gnawed your Sprite line? No problem! Just cut out the offending section of beverage tubing, insert splicer, and voila! After years of this practice, some syrup lines were 90% stainless steel, with splicers every 6 inches!  
              2007 Key. This key was the ultimate force in shutting down malfunctioning  equipment.  No more would a host or hostess pull a substandard drink from an out of service unit. We shut em down. It also just happens to be the same key that could shut off the Pepsi machines at Taco Bueno. Take that Pepsi.